Ãœber Perfect Bound
Die Zukunft des Publizierens gestalten
Perfect Bound ist ein hochmodernes Servicepaket für Buchverlage weltweit. Zum ersten Mal in der Verlagsgeschichte haben wir Titelverwaltung, einen revolutionären Druckmarktplatz, Verkaufs- und Bestandsverfolgung, Lizenzgebühren- und Rechteverwaltung sowie Vertrieb (bereitgestellt von Simon & Schuster) für Tausende von Verlagen auf der ganzen Welt zusammengeführt.

Unsere Geschichte
Perfect Bound was launched in 2022 as the first viable two-sided marketplace connecting book publishers and printers around the world. Initially envisioned by independent publishers, Keith Riegert, CEO of Ulysses Press, and Alyson Forbes, COO of Catapult Books, the marketplace now services over 180 publishers and 60 printers on six continents.
In 2023, Perfect Bound partnered with Chris Yeung and Sam Lundin of the Vimbly Group to expand the platform to include every service a publisher needs to operate their business, from ONIX-fed title management and sales tracking to seamless royalty payments.
In 2024, Perfect Bound completed its suite of services by integrating optional distribution provided by one of the world's premier publishers and distributors, Simon & Schuster, opening up global sales channels for every publisher.
In 2024, Perfect Bound acquired PubMatch, a global rights and licensing marketplace founded by Jon Malinowski, CEO of the Combined Book Exhibit. This acquisition enables seamless rights transactions and provides industry professionals with a dedicated space to showcase titles and negotiate deals.
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32 Court Street #2109
Brooklyn, NY 11201